After our trip to Taipei one month ago in Oct 2016, something felt missing. We did not really enjoyed that trip and thus we decided to make another trip. This time to Bangkok again, a place familiar to us.

The trip was also timed nicely just before the release of the PSLE results on 24 Nov.

20/11/2016 @ 0620h (SIN TIME)

We reached the airport at about 6.20am. Flight is at 8 plus. Took an early flight as we wanted to make it in time for JJ market which only opens during the weekends.

Standard nanyang style breakfast at the airport.

0710h (SIN TIME)

Rather than getting stuck at BKK queue for SIM card, I got mine here in SG. Going at S$13. Not much diff from the usual 299baht in BKK.

0730h (SIN TIME)

Ride to Bangkok via Thai Airways. Was lucky to get a decent price so close to the trip.

Plane was right on schedule. Can't say so for our return trip though.

Food was not too bad.

0940h (BKK TIME)

Touchdown after 2hrs. Minus one hour seems like we only travelled for 1hr on the flight.

1000h (BKK TIME)

So many times to BKK and this was record time in clearing customs and waiting for our luggage.

Taking the City Rail Line as usual to BKK city centre. Preferred choice compared to cab etc to beat the traffic jam.