Due to my interest in digital photography, I decided to do a travelogue to show the wonderful sights of Melbourne to my readers and for my records of my travels in time to come. At the same time, perharps comment on my photos? The photos on this page are taken with the Canon G2 and the rest, with Canon Pro 90 IS.

I was in Melbourne from 28 January 2002 to 3 February 2002 and had a wonderful time there. Nevertheless, 7 days was still not enough to view all the sights of Melbourne. Another 2 more days would be better but due to work and "leave restraint", have to come back....:P

Few interesting things I realised about Aussie culture. They are friendly and "interesting". A lot of "adjectives" are used in their figure of speech, such as, "lovely, amazing, spectacular...." A really nice place for a holiday.

Now, on to my travels...

28/01/2002 @ 1000h (SIN TIME)

Waiting on board QF124 with no personal television on board (unlike SQ and CX)
Perharps, due to our "sian" look, a nice Steward pass us a deck of cards to pass our time.
7hrs flight, how to tahan???
Decided to take out my digital camera (Canon G2) and took this shot whilst the plane is above some clouds.

1130h (SIN TIME)

This is basically what my girlfriend and myself did for the 7hrs of flight...staring into the clouds. Quite boring.
No good shows being screened.

1600h (SIN TIME)

At last we are above the territories of Australia.
Nice coastline of Australia from the air.
Beginning to see farms and wide vasts of hills and deserts.

2100h (MEL TIME)

Arrived at Melbourne Airport, Tullamarine @ 2000h at long last.
Quite a simple airport with DFS and stuff.
Interesting toilets though. For the toilets, the first door you go in are where all the basins and mirrors are, push open another door inside and you will get to the urinals and cubicles.
Arrived @ our hotel, Crown Towers Hotel at about 2100h. An excellent hotel to stay for your holidays. Best deco, big rooms with separate dressing rooms and a jacuzzi!!! With the Crown Casino at the ground level.
Highly recommended

2100h (MEL TIME)

This is how it looks like outside my hotel room.
Not much of a view though.
We are on the 7th storey.
And yes, it is indeed 2100h at Melbourne now.
Due to daylight saving in the country in these summer months, the sky only starts to get dark at around 2100h

2200h (MEL TIME)

After packing our stuff, took a walk around the hotel and its surroundings.
The hotel is just next to the Yarra River with a nice fountain beside the hotel, similar to the one at Bugis Junction we have in Singapore.
Only thing is that it is more colorful and bigger.
There are also pillars along the hotel beside the river which sprouts fire every hourly for about 5 mins from 7pm onwards.
Did not managed to get it on photo today. Going to try again some other day.

2220h (MEL TIME)

Took a closeup of the fountain.
Went about to take some shots and went back to the hotel to rest.
Decided to book a tour with Grayline Tours as I had quite a good experience with them in Hong kong.
Will be going onto The Great Ocean Road first thing in the morning.