After nearly 2 years of not going anywhere for holidays, we went "back" to Hong Kong from 15 to 18 Mar 2015. This trip was mainly to take a break from work and also to check out some of the new attractions at Disneyland HK.

Other than Disney, it was quite a boring trip...but ok lah. Just relax and nua. Was a good break nevertheless.

15/03/2015 @ 0350h (SIN TIME)

As United Airline had one of the better timings, we decided to fly with them again. This time round was better as there were personal TV onboard as compared to the last time. As usual 7 early 8 early at the airport.

Had the regular Singaporean breakfast, coffee, toasted bread and softboiled eggs at the airport.

0540h (SIN TIME)

On the plane at last after an eventful checkin. As Aiken had to bring his homework to HK, we did not realise/remember that he had a pair of scissors in his pencil case which caused a bit of an issue before check-in. Nearly kena delayed for the flight.

0657h (SIN TIME)

At least the breakfast onboard was good. :)

0930h (HK TIME)

Touch down at Hong Kong International Airport. It was so nice and cooling here. Check out the fog (not haze) at the background.

1000h (HK TIME)

First order of business. Getting the Octopus card for MTR travel. If you need, can also buy the tickets for the airport express train but this time round, we are trying out the bus instead.

1025h (HK TIME)

A must buy in any foreign country. Went on a merry go round for this as they actually shifted from the Departure Hall to Arrival Hall.

Just follow the directions to the bus terminal.

1035h (HK TIME)

We are taking bus A21 which seems to be the more popular one going to Downtown HK.